Thursday, July 26, 2012

Blackmail, harrassment

At Aleyagarden why do you take pictures of the plants before packing them ?

Some buyers could believe that the plants were damaged or sick, errors could occur when making the parcels ( plants put into the wrong parcel ). In addition to the weight of the parcel, pictures are also convenient to evaluate the plant size. And for our information we keep a record of the confirmation of sending, which is particularly useful when our buyer has ordered envelopes without registration; finally pictures help us prevent defamation and blackmail online, they can even help turn in our favor such defamatory activities.

Usually the offenders are skilled enough in information technology to manipulate information online, by taking, by borrowing several identites and computer identities as well.

Here is an example involving a famous writer :

RJ Ellory, the bestselling British crime writer exposed for writing fake online
reviews lauding himself while criticising rivals, has engaged in the practice
for the past decade, he admitted today

On the author says :

" It is not unusual for IT skilled individuals to blackmail their victims by making threats to destroy their victim's reputation unless certain demands being met. " It is worthy to note that many people engaged in plant trade are former IT professionals. But as a matter of fact it is not even necessary to be particularly skilled in IT to use fake names and multiply computer identities ( change the IP addresses of the computer by using programs ).

The author cited above emphasizes that police services lack resources and knowkedge to recognise that online blackmail is a criminal offence, but note that " The civil courts however are much quicker to act in response to online harassment cases with injunctions being granted within days rather than months and years. "

Before resorting to court proceedings one should communicate with fellow sellers to whom different identities are suspicious and seem to hide a single person. If a real name and address are finally exposed ( these real name and address may be easier to catch than expected ) the offenders can face in turn public criticisim. But such criticisim from a panel of professionals or people exposing their identites will have more far-reaching consequences, the internet may also be a dangerous place for criminal offenders online.

Hoya and other plant collections are for sale on Plant care is available in various posts of this blog. Contact :

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